Saturday 19 May, 2007

you hook yourself to your ipod...?

Of course, the most obvious thing for most people. IPOD (or its lesser clones/jukeboxes)is no longer the hottest accessory. It is a given. If you're anywhere on the locatable areas on this planet, you have got to be a part of the ipod revolution.
But what of most of us who live on the 'other' side of the world, devoid not of accessibility to these technological revolutions but rather of the means to acquire them. The more upwardly mobile would find their music in cassettes or CDs or cell phones or internet downloads. Yet, a major part of the lonely, insomniac population still turns to their, well not transistors so much, but to their radio-sets. They still count on the 'hipper' versions of the binaca geet mala and agony aunt/uncle advice from the likes of love gurus.
So the next time you turn on your ipod, spare a thought for the mere mortals, who keep blank tapes ready in their tape recorders to record their favorite song the moment it plays on the FM; those who collect bit by bit, their cues to beat the blues...

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